
Complexity and Biological Physics

This is a new group in the department working on issues of complex systems, with specific interests and applications across the life sciences. In addition to international collaborations, several projects are being developed with research groups across UM departments and schools. 
For example:

  1. with Prof. R. Prabhakar (UM Chemistry), agent-based description of amyloid protein formation in neurodegenerative disorders;
  2. with Prof. J. Rosenblatt (UM Miller School), agent-based network model of tumor growth;
  3. with Prof. M. Ogihara (UM Computing Science), dynamics of complex biological networks;
  4. with Profs. S. Ruan, S. Cantrell and C. Cosner (UM Math Biology and Ecology) and Prof. J. Beier (UM Epidemiology), incorporating network dynamics and agent heterogeneity into differential equation models of epidemiology and ecology;
  5. with Prof. Cohn (UM Physics), collective excitations in microtubules
  6. with Prof. Prakash (UM Physics), 'Flows' in animals
  7. with Prof. Klein (UM Physics),
  8. with Prof. Syed (UM Physics),
  9. with Prof. Song (UM Physics),
